Before you lay your new lawn
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- 12/01/2024
Make sure the area you are looking to lay turf on is suitable. Think shade, mowing and access to good quality water.
Measure out your area
When measuring out an area for turf, it is best to sketch out your area on a piece of paper first. With your sketch, break up the area into basic shapes, then measure and record your measurements. You can then calculate the amount of turf needed by using an online calculator. We recommend adding an extra 5% to factor in cutting the turf into odd shapes in your lawn.
Soil preparation
The first step when preparing your soil is to remove any existing vegetation. We recommend using a non-selective herbicide. After applying this it can take a few days to take effect. Then give the area a low mow over to remove the dead plant material. Follow up with a repeat application of herbicide. With some lawns, you may need to 3-4 repeat applications of herbicide to fully remove all the vegetation. On your final application, hoe and turn over the existing base to de-compact the soil profile.
For most turf varieties, an underlay of 80mm – 100mm of sandy loam (80% sand, 20% loam) is recommended.
Before you do start to lay your lawn, level out the soil underlay with a rake or a lawn leveller.
The thickness of the turf also needs to be considered, especially if you are wanting your lawn to sit flush with concrete or another surface. Turf will usually be cut 30-40mm thick, so you will need to allow extra space for this. Some varieties like buffalo may have some soil loss from the roots during cutting so be aware that you may have to adjust the soil underlay heights as you go to ensure a level lawn once laid.
It is critical, and often overlooked, to consider drainage and water flow when preparing your base ready for turf. Try to ensure no water is sitting on the lawn, or flowing towards buildings in heavy rain.