Get ready for Spring
- Lawn Care
- 29/08/2021
Spring is coming!
Your warm season lawn has been resting through the colder months and will slowly be starting to increase tissue growth. What can you do to support your lawn as the weather warms up?
Cleaning up and raking away debris
– clear away any leaves, branches and other debris that may have accumulated during winter. Look at moving any objects that have been stationary for a while (trampolines for example) and allow your lawn to breathe.
Get your mower ready
– basic maintenance like changing fuel, oil, and the sparkplug each spring can help keep your machine running smoothly for years. Check your blades are sharpand look at either a new set of blades, or if you’re a dab-hand with the grinder, sharpening or changing your mower blades can do wonders.
Check for compaction
– grab a long screwdriver and plunge it into the ground in a few places to see how far it will penetrate. If you can’t easily push it in for up to 100 to 150mm (4-6 inches) without too much resistance look at aeration to remedy the problem
Removing weeds –
– over Winter a few weeds may have popped up or blow into your lawn. Many single weed types can be removed by hand, flat weeds and grasses can be mown over, with a healthy lawn able to choke out most weed types. Oxafert pre-emergent herbicide is a great way to help prevent both broadleaf and annual grass weeds, stopping any new seedlings in their tracks.
Test your soil –
If your lawn is not performing very well or not responding to fertiliser it could be to do with the soils pH. Now is the time to test your pH levels, so you can take the required action during Spring.
Plan your spring lawn care schedule
– checking you soils pH, plan your fertilising regime and attending to any pesky weeds or pests.
If you don’t have a lawn which will be Spring ready
It is a great time to install a new lawn, getting it established before the heat of summer comes. This will save you money on water!